Biology 2021
Objective Questions
Which of the following organelles is common to both plant and animal cells?
Correct Answer: C) Cell membrane
The diagrams below are illustrations of different sections of a particular fruit. Study them and answer the question below.

The section X and Y respectively are _________.
Correct Answer: B) transverse and longitudinal
The fruit that has the illustrated sections is a _________.
Correct Answer: A) hesperidium
The diagram below is an illustration of a fungus. Study it and answer the question below

The structure labeled I is associated with _________.
Correct Answer: B) asexual reproduction
The structure labeled (II) is the _________.
Correct Answer: C) columella
Which of the following statements about the structure labeled III is correct? It __________.
Correct Answer: A) secretes digestive enzymes into the substrate
The diagram below is an illustration of a living organism. Study it and answer the question.

The level of organization of the organism is ____________.
Correct Answer: B) cell
The organism belongs to the Phylum _________.
Correct Answer: C) Euglenophyta
A plant cell placed in a solution with a higher water potential will ___________.
Correct Answer: B) enlarge and become turgid
Offspring formed by sexual reproduction exhibit more variation than those formed by asexual reproduction because _________.
Correct Answer: B) gametes of parents have different genetic composition
Radius and ulna are bones of the _________.
Correct Answer: D) lower arm
The blood vessel which carries blood from the alimentary canal to the liver is the ___________.
Correct Answer: C) hepatic portal vein
The diagram below is an illustration of the longitudinal section of a mammalian organ. Study it and answer the question below

Which of the labeled parts is the cortex?
Correct Answer: D) IV
What is the main function of the organ?
Correct Answer: A) Excretion
Detoxification of urea takes place in the ________.
Correct Answer: C) liver
Which of the following hormones is suddenly secreted into the bloodstream of a frightened person?
Correct Answer: B) Adrenaline
The temperature control centre in mammals is located in the ________.
Correct Answer: B) hypothalamus
The diagram above is an illustration of a type of eye defect in humans. Study it and answer questions 18 and 19.

The eye defect illustrated in the diagram is __________.
Correct Answer: D) myopia
The eye defect can be corrected by the use of _________.
Correct Answer: B) concave lens
How many gametes are produced in the pollen grain of a flowering plant before fertilization?
Correct Answer: B) Two
Which of the following organisms does not undergo incomplete metamorphosis?
Correct Answer: C) Butterfly
An enzyme reaction may begin to decline when _________.
Correct Answer: A) the optimum temperature is attained
The diagram below is an illustration of the growth of a plant in a water culture. After a few days, the solution turned green and the plant died. Use it to answer the question below.

What precaution should have been taken to prevent the solution from turning green?
Correct Answer: C) Cover the culture vessel with opaque paper
The death of the plant was likely caused by _________.
Correct Answer: C) algal growth in the solution that used up the nutrient
Which of the following factors is not necessary for photosynthesis?
Correct Answer: C) Wind
Autotrophic nutrition is a process whereby an organism obtains food ___________.
Correct Answer: B) by synthesizing simple substances using energy
The process that takes place at the light stage of photosynthesis is ___________.
Correct Answer: A) splitting of water molecules to form hydrogen ions
The diagram below is an illustration of the foot of an animal.

The adaptation of this type of foot is that it is ______________.
Correct Answer: B) used as a paddle for swimming
The following organisms are examples of carnivorous plants except ___________.
Correct Answer: A) Gloriosa
Plants and animals of an ecosystem make up a _________.
Correct Answer: C) community
Rabbits cannot survive in an aquatic habitat because they have ___________.
Correct Answer: B) no gills
The illustration below is a food chain.
Grass → Grasshopper → Domestic Fowl → Hawk
What would happen if the population of domestic fowl decreases? The population of __________.
Correct Answer: C) grasshoppers would increase
Which of the following features is a characteristic of aquatic plants? Possession of __________.
Correct Answer: C) finely divided leaves
An association between living organisms in which one organism lives on and feeds at the expense of the other organism is known as _________.
Correct Answer: C) parasitism
When a large number of organisms share limited resources, the result is ____________.
Correct Answer: D) competition
Which of the following behaviors is correctly matched with the corresponding diseases?

Correct Answer: D) Eating uncooked meat
Endangered species are organisms that are __________.
Correct Answer: B) likely to disappear from the surface of the earth
Which of the following practices is a wildlife conservation method?
Correct Answer: D) Discourage poaching
Which of the following resources cannot be conserved?
Correct Answer: D) Garbage
The diagrams below are illustrations of types of comb found in domestic fowl. Study them and answer the question below. The types of comb show ________.

Correct Answer: A) variation
Which factor is most likely responsible for the various types of comb?
Correct Answer: A) Environment
Which of the following statements about mitosis is not correct?
Correct Answer: D) Four daughter cells are produced
A mixture of blood with antigen A and blood containing antibody a will ____________.
Correct Answer: A) lead to agglutination
Plants suitable for experiments in genetics must not _______.
Correct Answer: D) produce one generation in a long period
Which of the following statements about sickle cell anaemia is correct?
Correct Answer: D) It is caused by a recessive gene
In humans pointed eyebrows (B) is a dominant trait over smooth eyebrows (b). A student and the mother have smooth eyebrows while the father has pointed eyebrows. What is the genotype of the father?
Correct Answer: B) Bb
A woman with Rhesus negative blood group was advised not to marry a man with Rhesus positive blood group because __________.
Correct Answer: B) it will result in sickness and probably death of the offspring
Which of the following organisms exhibits division of labour?
Correct Answer: C) Termite
Natural selection arises as a result of _________.
Correct Answer: D) climate change
Which of the following statements is not Lamarck’s postulate on evolution?
Correct Answer: D) Survivors in a competitive community must have inherited useful traits
Theory Questions
A sample of human blood was put in a test tube and allowed to spin in a centrifuge. The components of the blood sample were clearly separated.
- List the four main components of blood that would be in the test tube.
- Name the components of the blood that:
- Would form the top layer in the test tube
- Destroys pathogens
- Is bi-concave in shape
- Would be relatively low in a haemophilic condition
- Is produced in the bone marrow
- Is a thrombocyte
- Is nucleated
- Mention three chemical substances transported by the blood component named in 1(b)(i)
- List four diseases associated with blood.
- Explain briefly why a disease of the blood could be dangerous.
- What is dentition in animals?
- Describe briefly the generalized structure of a tooth in animals.
- List three food substances that plants manufacture from glucose.
- Make a diagram, 6cm to 8cm long of an experimental set-up to show that oxygen is produced during photosynthesis.
- Complete the table below by placing each of the
following organisms under the appropriate heading.
Algae, Bacteria, Dog, Water lettuce, Tadpole, Cat, Lemna, Waterleaf, Mucor, Mushroom - (i) Name four products of decomposition
- (ii) Mention three roles of decomposers on a refuse dump.
- List three materials found in a refuse dump which would not be affected by the action of decomposers.

- Complete the table below by naming five wildlife animals in West Africa and one body part each that makes them endangered because of the activities of humans.
- State three effects each of the following factors on the conservation of natural resources:
- Poor economy of a nation
- Poaching
- State four roles played by the Government in conservation of natural resources.

- Complete the table below by naming the nutrient cycle that involves each of the given processes and give three other processes involved in the nutrient cycle.
- What is irritability?
- Complete the table below by stating the type of response elicited by each of the given actions.
- Name three animals each that exhibit:
- Territoriality
- Seasonal migration
- Display

Practical Questions
Study specimen A, B and C and answer questiions 1(a) to 1(c)
Name the part of the body where specimens A, B, and C would be found in a mammal.
- A: _________
- B: _________
- C: _________
State one function each of specimens A, B, and C.
- A: _________
- B: _________
- C: _________
Make a drawing, 6cm to 8cm long, of the anterior view of specimen C and label fully.
State one function each of four of the parts labelled in 1(b)(i).
Mention the total number of each of specimens A, B, and C in adult humans.
- A: _________
- B: _________
- C: _________
Name two other vertebrae in humans.
Beakers D, E, F and G contain seeds that have been sown for seven days. Carefully remove one seed/seedling from each of the beakers labelled D, E, F and place each on the corresponding white tile labelled D, E, F and G. Study them and answer questions 2(a) to 2(c).
Observe the soils and seed/seedling, then record the observation and result on the table below.
(i) Name one condition for germination that was likely absent in the beakers labelled E, F, and G:
- E: _________
- F: _________
- G: _________
(ii) Give two reasons for the result in beaker D.
Make a drawing 8cm to 10cm long of one seed/seedling obtained from the beaker labelled D and label fully.
Study specimens L and M and answer questions 4(a) to 4(e).
Classify each of specimens L and M into its:
(i) Phylum
- L: ________
- M: ________
(ii) Class
- L: ________
- M: ________
(i) Phylum
(i) State three observable features of members of the class of specimen L.
(ii) Name three other classes of the phylum to which specimen L belongs.
(i) State two ways each by which specimens L and M are of economic importance.
- L: ________
- M: ________
(ii) State five ways by which specimen L can be controlled.
(i) State five observable differences between specimens L and M.
(ii) State four observable similarities between specimens L and M.
Name one habitat each of specimens L and M.
- L: ________
- M: ________